Pokemon hangman
Gotta catch'em all!
A hangman game made out of the 154 first generation Pokemons and built with JavaScript with React and Redux.
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Snake on a game
Not featuring Samuel L. Jackson
A replica of the classic mobile Snake game made with JavaScript and React on canvas.
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Chitter Challenge
Donald Trump not allowed!
A 2015 replica attempt of Twitter made with Ruby and a Postgres database. This was a project from Makers Academy.
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Pop in a box
The Top Pop Shop that drops the props!
A simple eCommerce shopping cart built on Node, JavaScript and JQuery.
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Bookmark manager
I booked my week-end to do it!
A social bookmarking website made with Ruby, Sinatra, Postgresql and tested via Rspec and Capybara.
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Rock papers scissors
A game that rocks!
A JavaScript and React made 1-player-mode or versus-mode of the classic Rock, Paper, Scissors game.
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Hacker news feed
Hackstreet hack, alright!
A re-make of the ugly looking interface of the Hacker news website. I built it with JavaScript, React, Axios and as you would expect, the Hacker news API.
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Dungeon crawler
Can you see the Link with Zelda?
remember the legend of Zelda on NES? Well, Dungeon Crawler is a simple lookalike of the game using JavaScript, React and Redux.
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Yelp Clone
You know eat!
A ruby on rails, Postgres, JavaScript and OAuth-made replica of Yelp: the famous crowd-sourced reviewing app to rate businesses such as restaurants, bars and more...
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Game points
Making counting awesome!
The technical test that landed me my first job! A replica of a counting point system, with bonuses; like it works for a Kahoot!
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Bowling Score Calculator
French people always strike!
A JavaScript, JQuery and Node based project that counts the points of a bowling game and applies bonuses coming from spares and strikes.
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Todo app
To do or not to do? That is the question...
A good ol' technical test classic: the todo app! This 2015 attempt was built on AngularJS.
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Lettered Circles
x marks the spot!
This was a 2015 attempt on how to use a canvas and create a mouse and keyboard based game.
Learn more about Lettered Circles