Project stack:

Tested via: unit tests and quality assurance
This was one of the first technical tests that I had to do following my graduation from Makers Academy. This one presented an extra challenge as I had to figure out for the first time how to use a canvas and make a game that would work on that canvas. It was a great learning experience. I actually went all the way to the final interview with that company but someone more senior got the job, which I fully understand. With only 6 months coding experience I was happy to have pulled a "good fight" against an experienced coder with that little experience when I did that challenge. There were the directives. - Stage 1: Make circles When the user clicks on the page, a circle appears under the mouse cursor (and persists statically in that position). - Stage 2: Make lettered circles Some typeable area is on top of the page. Each time a user clicks somewhere in the canvas, it deletes the first letter from the typeable area and display it within the newly created circle of the canvas.