Developing on AWS
Completion date: 2021-06-30

in this 3 days course delivered by Amazon, I saw how to use the AWS SDK to develop secure and scalable cloud applications using multiple AWS services such as Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Simple Storage Service, and AWS Lambda. I explored how to interact with AWS using code and learn about key concepts, best practices, and troubleshooting tips.

React Advanced 2021
Completion date: 2021-10-23

React Advanced is London based community and a conference, addressing most complex and trickiest to solve topics. In 2021, authors and core teams of the following libraries / projects have already confirmed their attendances: React Native, GraphQL, TypeScript, Next.js, Styled Components... Engineers of any level are welcome, but be prepared for hardcore.

Jsday 2021
Completion date: 2021-07-07

jsday 2021 is the 10th edition of the Italian JavaScript conference, organized by GrUSP, organizers of events like phpday, reactjsday and many others. The event is international and all sessions will be in English. This 2021 edition is taking place online, and will last 2 days (July 6th and 7th)

React Day Norway Online
Completion date: 2021-06-09

A full day of React (Native) and frontend tech online conference in a single track event; due to Covid-19 restrictions, it was streamed online for free.

FullStack London 2020
Completion date: 2020-06-26

The yearly London 3 days Conference on JavaScript, Node & Internet of Things. Wednesday, 24th - Friday, 26th June 2020 at Business Design Centre, London.

Silicon Milkroundabout London 2019
Completion date: 2019-11-24

The biggest job event for tech professionals in London. Meet, exchange and chat with engineers from over 200 companies such as BBC, Amazon, Sage, Sky and many more.

Frontendmasters - Deep JavaScript Foundations
Completion date: 2019-05-12

This course dives into the core pillars of the JavaScript language with Kyle Simpson, author of the popular, You Don't Know JS, book series. I learnt JavaScript's types, how to convert between them, and compare them with == and ===. I also learnt lexical scope and closure, as well as the objects oriented system (this, prototypes and classes).

Frontendmasters - Mastering Chrome Developer Tools
Completion date: 2017-11-12

Jon Kuperman of Adobe shows how to go beyond console.log to master all the built-in tools available in Google’s Chrome Developer Tools to edit, debug, and profile your web applications! he teaches how to step through your code with the debugger, audit web page performance, debug Node.js, and remove “page jank” when a site isn’t keeping up.

Frontendmasters - AWS for Front-End Engineers
Completion date: 2018-12-02

Steve Kinney of Twilio teaches how to get your application deployed on the web so that your users in Sydney can enjoy the same amount of latency as those in Minneapolis or Kuala Lumpur. He shows what AWS offers for front-end engineers from storing and hosting client-side applications on S3, registering domains names and DNS with Route 53, deploying applications with AWS CLI, distributing applications with CloudFront's CDN, and much more!

Frontendmasters - Intermediate React
Completion date: 2017-10-28

In this course, Brian Holt of Microsoft teaches how to build scalable React applications using the tools and techniques available in the React ecosystem. He shows how to test React components with Jest, leverage CSS in JS with the emotion, code split with React Loadable, use server-side rendering in React with Node.js, add TypeScript, and more!

Frontendmasters - Design for Developers
Completion date: 2019-01-27

In this course, Sarah Drasner of Netlify shows how to become self-sufficient for the entire process of execution from concept to design to implementation; as well as understanding the rules for designing to become a better collaborator to design team members and better able to execute the creation of complex and beautiful front-end experiences!

Frontendmasters - Functional-Light JavaScript
Completion date: 2019-05-12

Kyle Simpson, author of the "You Don't Know JavaScript" teaches how to apply functional programming concepts in JavaScript to make your programs more readable and less error-prone! He tells about the core concepts of functional programming like function purity, point-free style, partial-application, currying, composition, immutability, recursion, and list operations like map/reduce/filter.

Frontendmasters - Advanced JavaScript
Completion date: 2018-08-05

Kyle Simpson, author of the "You Don't Know JavaScript" book series, details the inner workings of JavaScript in extreme detail. Gain an advanced understand of the core mechanics of the JavaScript language. This course deep dives into scope, closure, object-oriented, and asynchronous programming in JavaScript.

Frontendmasters - Choosing a JavaScript Framework
Completion date: 2018-09-09

Over the past year the rise of the MV* has been meteoric. It seems you cannot go more than a few sentences discussing JavaScript without mentioning Angular, Ember, Backbone or React. It also is certainly not without merit: JavaScript frameworks can greatly increase your productivity in client side code. Brian Holt gives a fitting treatise to each of the four frameworks and help you understand which one is best suited to you and your next big project.

Frontendmasters - The Good Parts of JavaScript and the Web
Completion date: 2018-08-12

In this course, the legendary Douglas Crockford teaches the history of JavaScript, the details of the language, with particular attention to functions, which is where the power of the JavaScript language is hidden. There is also an overview of how browsers work, how servers work, and security.

Frontendmasters - Full Stack for Front End Engineers
Completion date: 2019-04-21

In this course, Jem Young (Netflix) explains how to become a Full Stack Engineer and gain the confidence to master the command line and server. He explained how the internet works from DNS to IP tables, how to setup a domain with HTTPS on your own virtual private server (VPS), teaches VIM and SSH from the command line.

Frontendmasters - Advanced GraphQL
Completion date: 2018-11-18

In this course Scott Moss, returning Frontend Masters instructor and CEO of Tipe demonstrates the techniques he uses to make his GraphQL API’s production-ready, such as Nested Resolvers, Caching and Testing. Learn everything you need to know about building production-ready GraphQL APIs!

Frontendmasters - Serverless with AWS Lambda
Completion date: 2018-11-25

A course by Scott Moss on how to use AWS Lambda in production using the serverless framework. It gets you started with AWS Lambda functions and then learn to test, debug and deploy then to build a real API powered by lambda functions.

Frontendmasters - Introduction to MongoDB
Completion date: 2018-04-15

MongoDB is the leading open source NoSQL database. In this course by Scott Moss I learnt how to build schemas, structure models and learn to query MongoDB to get the right data as well as the core concepts to build production-ready applications with MongoDB!

Frontendmasters - Introduction to GraphQL
Completion date: 2018-11-11

GraphQL empowers more flexibility into your APIs. I learnt how to build GraphQL APIs with Apollo Server and create GraphQL Schemas using scalar types, object type, queries and mutations. The course was provided by Scott Moss.

Frontendmasters - API Design in Node.js
Completion date: 2018-09-23

A course to learn by Scott Moss on how to design and build APIs in Node.js from the ground up! I learnt how to plan routes and model data for real-world applications. Then create, read, update and delete resources from a MongoDB database with REST verb methods using Express framework routers and controllers. It then went onto adding authentication middleware with JWTs and learn to test your APIs with Jest!

Hacksplaining lessons
Completion date: 2018-06-10

Hacksplaining is a website where to learn about all of the major vulnerabilities. It teaches how prevalent, exploitable and dangerous each vulnerability is, explains the secure coding practices to take at every step of the development cycle and test the student knowledge by taking quizzes on each topic. I loved that website course.

HalfStack London 2019
Completion date: 2019-11-22

HalfStack London is a yearly front-end JavaScript conference hosted on a Friday in a Shoreditch pub. The maximum capacity for London HalfStack is 170 attendees.

HalfStack London 2017
Completion date: 2017-11-17

HalfStack London is a yearly front-end JavaScript conference hosted on a Friday in a Shoreditch pub. The 2017 edition was at Cafe 1001 in Brick Lane.

React fundamentals
Completion date: 2015-11-24

These is the React fundamentals tutorial from (2015)

Docker test
Completion date: 2017-11-28

A tutorial to understand how to get a Node.js application into a Docker container.

Storybook tutorial
Completion date: 2018-05-15

This is the Storybook Tutorial from sitepoint: React Storybook allows to easily browse your collection of components and their functionality.

Cypress tutorial
Completion date: 2019-05-18

This is a modified version of the Cypress Tutorial from cloudboost on how to test your Frontend’s JavaScript code with

Webpack Babel setup
Completion date:

This is the Webpack Babel Project/Tutorial from bitwiser to setup a ES6 JavaScript project using Webpack, Babel and eslint.

Fake online store with Redux
Completion date:

Building a shopping cart and product listing using best practices and React, Redux, and React Router v4. It was then set up Redux and React Router and load a products list via json and build the 'add to cart' functionality. It also uses es6-promise, isomorphic-fetch and redux-form.

My first Svelte tutorial
Completion date: 2019-07-12

Svelte brings a new approach to JavaScript-based web development: Instead of doing the bulk of the work in the browser (client-side), Svelte shifts that work to a compiler step which is done during development time. This is what I tried with this first tutorial.

Trying puppeteer
Completion date: 2019-06-23

A tutorial to perform web scraping (web automation) with a headless browser via Puppeteer, a Node.js library which provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome or Chromium or to interact with the DevTools protocol. It’s maintained by the Chrome DevTools team and an awesome open-source community.

Axios & GraphQL Github tutorial
Completion date: 2019-08-13

A tutorial to learn how to combine React with GraphQL. There is no clever library like Apollo Client or Relay to get started yet so instead, GraphQL queries and mutations are performed with basic HTTP requests through Axios.

FullStack London 2019
Completion date: 2019-07-12

The yearly London 3 days Conference on JavaScript, Node & Internet of Things. Wednesday, 10th - Friday, 12th July at Business Design Centre, London.

FullStack London 2017
Completion date: 2017-07-14

The yearly London 3 days Conference on JavaScript, Node & Internet of Things. Wednesday, 12th - Friday, 14th July at CodeNode, London