Travis :
Project stack:

Tested via: unit tests and quality assurance
Pop-in-a-box is a simple shopping cart/eCommerce application fully built on Node, JavaScript and JQuery. There are 3 items with products discounts that apply automatically under the following conditions: - 2-for-1 promotions: buy two of the same product, get one free. This is applied to GOKU items. - bulk discounts: buying x or more of a product, the price of that product is reduced by x. This is applied to NARU items. As you add items to the basket, total prices and discounts per item are automatically calculated, as well as the final bill from the shop. The code structure makes it very easy to add/remove new items should a shop owner wanted to, making it idea for an eCommerce to add new products. The shop is double unit-tested with Jasmine and the combination of Chai and Mocha. Hurry up and buy!