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Tested via: unit tests and quality assurance
This project is a challenge from Makers Academy: to create a 1-player bowling score calculator in JavaScript with an interface in jQuery. Here are the basic rules of bowling: - A bowling game consists of 10 frames in which the player tries to knock down the 10 pins. - In every frame the player can roll a ball once or twice; thrice in the case of the last frame. - After every frame the 10 pins are reset. - The actual score of each frame is the number of pins knocked down plus bonuses for strikes and spares. - The bonus for a strike is 2 extra rolls. - The bonus for a spare is 1 extra roll. - The last frame behaves differently: a maximum of 3 rolls can be made if a strike or a spare happens. When I look back at this code from my rookie days, I have to say that I sometimes find it horrendous; I could refactor and optimize but I'd rather leave as it is: it reminders me of how far I have come since 2015.