Project stack:

Tested via: unit tests, end-to-end tests and quality assurance
Hangman is a classic word game in which you must guess a secret word as quickly as you can before the time runs out! In this Pokemon version there is no timer. Here are the rules: - A new game cannot be started before a game is completed. - The game chooses a random name within the list of first generation pokemon names. - The player has 6 lives at initial state and will select letters to play. - If a correct letter is guessed, it's shown within the visual progress and no life is lost. - If no correct letter is guessed, a life is lost. - The game logic prohibits a player from selecting a letter twice. - If the player loses his 6 lives the game is lost. - If the player guesses the Pokemon name before losing all his lives, the game is won. The game is built on ES6 JavaScript and React with Redux featuring PropTypes, React-media and Lodash. I tested with Jest and Test cafe for end-to-end testing. I also created a cool 90s retro style using Sass. Have fun! Gotta catch'em all!