Travis :
Project stack:

Tested via: unit tests and quality assurance
Hacker News is a social news website focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship. It is ran by YCombinator and provides interesting links to news articles and blog posts related to information technologies. The content is awesome but let's face it; the user interface is "fugly" as if it was frozen in time back in 1999! The aim of this project was to create a more eye-pleasing version of the top 500 stories listed on the website using their official API; When you click on a story, a popup opens with the related information. In the absence of text being returned by the API, I have coded a back-up solution which is the URL of the story. I added the logic with tests which also gave me an opportunity to try Axios for the first time. I then polished with some CSS as I moved along and even added a spinner in order to wait for the api's response and also to inform the user that the app is fetching the data.